Office and commercial PEST CONTROL SERVICES

Protecting your people and your reputation
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Pest control

Our fast and discreet pest control services help keep pests and infestations to a minimum.

Pests and infestations can create huge problems for businesses. 

We keep those problems to a minimum by quickly, effectively, and discreetly removing pests and infestations. You avoid damage to your reputation and you minimise risks to the health and safety of your people and customers. 

Our preventative services, meanwhile, reduce the risks significantly. You can get on with business knowing your premises are protected. 

Here's how we help keep pests and infestations to a minimum...

We use non-toxic products whenever possible

We use the very best products to eliminate and control pests and infestations. Wherever possible, choose non-toxic control measures, creating a safer environment for your people.

We act quickly to protect your business

We understand the risks that come with pests on your premises. If you need us, we’ll be there quickly, to contain and remedy a problem before it spirals.

We ensure your premises are clean and hygienic

The presence of pests is an obvious compromise to your health and safety standards. When we remove pests from your premises, we restore your standards with comprehensive cleaning, disinfection and sanitation.

We help you reduce the chances of pests and infestations

With our pest prevention services, you have peace of mind that you are protected from infestations. The likelihood of unwanted guests is greatly reduced. To reduce the risk of pests finding a home in your building, we seal potential rodent entry points to keep unwanted visitors at bay.

Discreetly removing pests and infestations