Clean and calm RETAIL spaces

Connecting the dots to create the best shopping experiences
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We help retail customers deliver the best customer experiences

Whether your guests are making a quick trip to the supermarket to pick up their groceries, or enjoying a leisurely day of retail therapy, it’s important to create experiences that people enjoy. And those experiences are created by a series of small things done perfectly. 

Peaceful, pleasant places keep your customers coming back again and again, and from the world’s largest IKEA in the Philippines to outlet villages in the UK, we help you create that calm, safe, premium feeling in your retail spaces.

Here's how we help you deliver the best customer experience...

We keep your facilities spotless

From regular cleaning schedules to ensure your facilities look their best 24/7 to quickly dealing with spills on the floors, our expert cleaning teams keep your facilities looking pristine – and reduce the possibility of accidents, too.

We recruit the very best – and invest in them, too

Through our rigorous recruitment processes, we directly employ the best people – and with specialist customer service training and training around hidden disabilities, they are there to help you to deliver the best customer service.

We ensure your guests and your premises are safe

The security and safety of your facilities and your people is paramount. Our security teams take care of day-to-day crime prevention, while also having access to national intelligence to alert you to any potential security issues in the vicinity.

We help create enticing environments

We work with you to help create environments that will appeal to retailers, while repurposing empty spaces to help your facility operate at its full potential.

We keep your landscaping pristine

The visual appeal of any retail site is important, which is why our landscaping teams keep lawns mown and flowers blooming.

We make sure your guests’ entry and exit is smooth

Being able to park and exit car parks quickly and easily is important in the overall retail experience, and our car park management teams ensure payment machines are operational and signage is clear.

We look after your guests once they’ve arrived

Knowing information is at hand when you need it contributes significantly to the retail experience, and our guest services teams are there to answer questions and quickly resolve any issues your guests might have.

We support your local community

Wherever possible, we prioritise your local community – creating jobs and using local businesses in our supply chain.

We help you meet your sustainability targets, too

With global best practices, we can help you achieve your sustainability targets by implementing effective waste management and recycling practices, and reducing water and energy usage. For example, in one UK shopping centre, we helped them move from recycling 3% of their waste to 70%.