Multi-tenanted offices and professional workspaces CORPORATE

A better reality for smarter offices
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We create corporate environments in which your people can excel

From the day-to-day operations of cleaning and security to the bigger picture projects of sustainability and workplace experience, there’s an awful lot that needs to happen in corporate workplaces. 

We help you create great working environments that attract, motivate and retain staff, and impress your visitors and customers, too.  

Here's how we create environments people can excel in...

By keeping your buildings clean

From bathrooms and kitchens to working areas and meeting rooms, every inch of your office has to be spotless and hygienic.

By protecting your staff and guests

The safety of your people is paramount. Our expert security teams protect your staff and guests both at work, on arrival and on departure.

By ensuring your people are fed

Whether it’s morning coffee, a lunch break, or you’re entertaining corporate guests, the food and drink you serve reflects the quality of your environment. We serve high-quality food and drink in spaces where your staff can meet and connect in an environment they enjoy.

By creating workplaces to help your team flourish

Your workplace needs to bring out the best in your people. We help you understand how your people use the facilities, explore what they need, and create workplaces that people want to spend time in.

By keeping your mechanical and electrical equipment working

With a regular maintenance schedule, our teams make sure all of your mechanical and electrical equipment is problem free, meaning your building keeps working as it should. And if something does go wrong, our teams are there swiftly to resume normal working order.

By making the most of your natural beauty

Our landscaping teams make the most of nature by creating natural features both inside and out.

By providing friendly reception and support staff

Our friendly greeting and support services help staff receptions, mail rooms and other important functions keep the office running.

By supporting your drive to net zero

We’re steeped in global best practices and can help you work towards and achieve your sustainability targets in a measurable and achievable way. From reducing food and building waste to using renewable energy sources, our team can guide you towards net zero.

Environments in which your people can excel