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Workplace experience

We help you create workplaces to attract top talent and make your business even more resilient

For many, the world of work is a very different place from what it was pre-2020. 

With hybrid working models now increasingly commonplace and an ongoing war on talent, it’s essential that businesses create workspaces that are attractive and motivating for employees, while increasing productivity and building resilience. 

We work with you to create spaces that cater for different neurodiverse needs, including areas for quiet working and team collaboration, and are considerate of the needs of different generations. 

By creating a workplace experience that helps bring the best out of every single employee, you can attract top talent, motivate staff and add significant value to your business.

Here's how we help you create workplaces to attract top talent...

We help you understand what your people want

To create the best workspace, it’s important to understand what your people want. What they like and dislike, what they need and don’t need. We can help you understand how your people are feeling through consultation and surveys, and from there, create a plan of action, including benchmarks for improvement.

We help you optimise your current space

As well as discovering what your people would like, we help you understand how your spaces are being used now through technology, including desk sensors. This enables us to envision how they could be used more efficiently in the future. By creating different spaces for different activities and using technology to help the day-to-day – for example, booking meeting areas and desks – we can help you create a physical space that’s desirable to work from.

We work with you to improve sustainability

Your business’s green credentials are important to current and prospective employees, so we help you get a clear view of your carbon emissions across your current portfolio, and create a strategy to reduce this.

We help you improve wellbeing elements, too

A building’s wellbeing elements, such as air quality, acoustics and temperature, are incredibly important when creating a productive workplace. We help you identify and implement the technology to enhance this.

We can manage your refit

If your workplace is in need of a refit, we can make it happen, managing the whole process from budgeting to project delivery. We ensure the most sustainable approach, recycling where possible, using the most sustainable materials.

We optimise your new workplace experience

By installing IoT sensors throughout your workplace, we can continuously monitor how your workplace is performing, while ensuring the data and insights are informing the optimisation of our support services. Meanwhile, our cleaning, security and catering services ensure all of the dots are connected when it comes to creating a successful workplace experience for today.