Energy, waste and CARBON MANAGEMENT

Navigating the path to Net Zero
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Energy, carbon and waste

We help you improve your energy and carbon performance

Shareholders, staff and customers are increasingly aware of the environmental impact the businesses they work for and deal with have.

We help you navigate your path to net zero with a clear, measurable roadmap. It begins with understanding the carbon data for your buildings, and identifying ways to reduce your emissions. 

Together, we put a plan into action and monitor how our improvements are performing. 

With all the data at your fingertips, you can make informed decisions on your sustainability strategy. You build significant resilience into your business, too.

Here's how we help you navigate your path to net zero...

We help reduce your waste

As a global company, we have countless initiatives and best practices to help inform waste reduction strategies. We bring the best of global thinking to your doorstep. For example, in New Zealand, we helped a customer divert over 200 tonnes of office equipment from landfill. Similarly, in the UK, we helped a public sector customer divert 20% of their waste from landfill through one initiative – creating a solution to recycling paper towels.

We provide the confidence that your strategies work

When it comes to reducing energy consumption, lots of little things add up. That’s why we can install exception alarms on assets such as air conditioning or heating, which will alert you when the consumption is higher than expected. If that happens, we help you make the adjustments you need to stay on track. To give you peace of mind that your strategies are working, we provide monthly energy dashboard reports to track your performance against targets. You can see at a glance how much energy you’re saving, and where improvements can be made.

We help you create long-term resilience

Investing in the right strategies now will set you up for long-term success. The energy-saving and carbon-reducing plans we put in place include: - Installing LED lighting, including motion-controlled sensors, for maximum efficiency - Generating electricity from renewables such as solar panels and heat pumps - Installing charging points for electric vehicles - Introducing behavioural change programmes - Promoting recycling schemes - Cutting your paper use - Reclaiming any overpayments for utility invoices over the course of the last five years.

We help you document your journey to net zero

We help you measure and document your journey to net zero. We give you accurate, data-backed information about your promises, efforts and progress towards more environmentally friendly operations.

We give you clarity on your carbon emissions

We capture data from around your buildings to identify any systems, such as lighting, boilers and fans, that are poor energy performers.

Improve your energy and carbon performance


Helping Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service in the UK, meet its carbon reduction goals

Our best practices in helping minimise energy, carbon and waste helped Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service achieve its goal of 5% year-on-year carbon reduction. 

To do this, we put in place a number of environmentally friendly initiatives, including:

  • boiler upgrades
  • improved heating controls
  • new solar panels
  • window replacement
  • secondary glazing
  • waste management surveys
  • more recycling bins
  • energy-efficient appliances
  • water-efficient appliances
  • water recycling.

Not only did these changes impact the day-to-day, but they also earned the Scottish Courts and Tribunal Service the prestigious Carbon Trust Triple Standard Award.

It enabled Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service to achieve the following results:

Reduction in CO2
Reduction in water consumption 
In energy savings
Waste reduction